Fixes & Updates

It is inevitable that a few things have slipped through the cracks while developing the NautilusFM Example file and I am immensely grateful that people let me know about them so that a). I can correct them on the Master file and b). push out an update to current users.

I’ve added a Version Date field to the top right of NautilusFM so please note that the current version is dated January 6, 2020


This page is only for registered users so please don’t share it with anybody. While there is nothing inherently confidential, there is a direct download to the latest version of the Example file and I only want people who have submitted a request to be able to get the latest version. This will allow me to make sure that everybody who has a copy is registered and reachable. TIA.


Adding new records wasn’t working properly if an Index letter had been selected. Also there were some alignment issues in the portal area on the left. Both have been fixed.

The Relogin script needs editing

Complete each of the Re-Login steps as necessary.

The admin account does not have a password set.


Kirk Rheinlander spotted this

An OnTimer script is saving a copy to my Dropbox folder every 20 minutes. You need to add the path to your Dropbox folder in the script backup.

Why are we doing this?

When FileMaker crashes, the file is damaged and should not, under any circumstances, be used. The backup routine ensures that I always have a pristine copy of the file that I can revert to, knowing that I have, at maximum, only 20 minutes of work to redo.

Bernard Côté from Quebec reported

When you switch from one company to another, if there is an invoice selected, the items of that invoice remain displayed. To avoid this, i suggest that the field G_InvoiceID should be set to null in  the  SetGlobal script when the script parameter is “company”.

Add the lines as highlighted to your copy of NautilusFM or download the latest version.

Bernard also reported that the script parameter invYears was used twice in the Set_Global script so that has been changed in the 2nd instance which calculates the invoices value and count for a specific year for a specific customer.

Change the parameter on your copy of NautilusFM or download the latest version.

Thank you, Bernard. It is much appreciated in two ways; one that you are really diving into the framework and secondly that you took the time to write and let me know of the issues.